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Customers with accounts in Oman: enhancements for ACH Credit payment screens
Customers with accounts in Oman: SWIFT Bank Identification Codes (BIC) for ACH Credit payments
Balance and Transaction Reporting will soon be demised
Customers with accounts in Europe: enhanced reporting
Customers with accounts in Canada: new USD correspondent bank
Customers with accounts in the UAE: ACH Credit enhancements to support Pension Adjustments
Customers with accounts in Israel: Beneficiary Address requirement for cross-border payments
Action required: Purpose of payment code requirement for payments from accounts in the Philippines
HSBCnet News is getting a new look
User Tip: update your profile details for enhanced Security and Service
Security Tip: security device safety – the yellow button warning
Information on HSBCnet service maintenance windows
Customers with accounts in Oman: enhancements for ACH Credit payment screens
*UPDATED 16 November 2015: Please be advised that the enhancements mentioned below will not be available on 6 December 2015. Upon the confirmation of a new effective date, we will issue a new written notification to advise of the availability of these enhancements on HSBCnet. We regret any inconvenience that may have been caused.
Effective 6 December, 2015 ACH Credit screens for accounts in Oman are being updated to capture additional details. The new screens are much more user friendly and follow the current payment processing workflow for easy transition. To launch the new ACH payment ‘Create’ screen from ‘Create Payment Instruction’, select “ACH Credits” as the ‘Payment type’ and the appropriate ‘Debit/credit account’.
When ‘Create payment instruction’ is selected, the ‘Create new ACH Credit payments’ screen will be launched in a new window.
Several labels on the ‘Create new ACH Payment’ screen have been changed to ensure payment instruction information is easier to complete and more accurate.
Changes to existing labels
Beneficiary ID
Existing Second Party ID label is being changed to Beneficiary ID.
Beneficiary name
Existing Second party Name label is being changed to Beneficiary Name and will accept up to 35 characters.
Beneficiary bank identifier
Existing Bank number label is being changed to Beneficiary bank code. Beneficiary reference
Existing Reference field label is being changed to Beneficiary Reference and will accept up to 35 characters. Please provide 3 digit Purpose of Payment code as mandated by Oman Central Bank.
New fieldsPurpose of Payment
Purpose of Payment is an optional field at this stage. You may select a valid ISO code from the drop down list.
*Although Purpose of Payment (PoP) is an optional field, you are requested not to populate any other data for priority payments.Remittance information
This field can be used to provide details of the payment and will accept up to 140 characters.
The look and feel for the ‘Review’, ‘Acknowledgement’, ‘Authorisation Summary’, ‘Authorisation’ and ‘Partial Authorisation’ screens have also been updated but previous functionality remains intact.
Please note that after 6 December, 2015, when attempting to create a payment instruction using general/restricted templates, the instruction will be displayed using the new input screen and the new fields will be editable.
If you need to authorise existing payments created prior to the effective date, HSBCnet will automatically send the instruction to ‘pending repair’ status converting it to the new input screen from which the required new fields will need to be populated.
Forward dated payment instructions cannot be modified. If details need to be changed, the instruction will need to be cancelled and recreated.
For additional information on the Oman ACH Credit enhancement, please contact your local HSBCnet Support Centre or your HSBC representative.
Important note: To accommodate the work required to update payment screens, we ask that you do not submit any payments after the Thursday (3 December, 2015) cutoff until Sunday 6 December, 2015.
Customers with accounts in Oman: SWIFT Bank Identification Codes (BIC) for ACH Credit payments
*UPDATED 16 November 2015: Please be advised that the enhancements mentioned below will not be available on 6 December 2015. Upon the confirmation of a new effective date, we will issue a new written notification to advise of the availability of these enhancements on HSBCnet. We regret any inconvenience that may have been caused.
Customers with accounts in Oman currently provide CBID codes (HSBC specific bank codes) in the “Bank Code” entry field when creating ACH Credit payments. Effective 6 December 2015, HSBCnet ACH Credit payment instruction screens will be enhanced to support the industry standard SWIFT Bank Identification Codes (BIC) for payments from accounts in Oman.
After the effective date, HSBCnet ACH Credit screens will include a new drop down list in the “Beneficiary Bank Identifier” entry field where you can select either the Bank Code or the SWIFT BIC. Please note that the Bank Code (CBID) will be the default option in the field at this time.
To input the SWIFT BIC for your payment, please select SWIFT BIC in the “Beneficiary Bank Identifier” field. You will now be able to provide the SWIFT BIC by manually entering the code in the text box or by searching for a valid SWIFT BIC using the search function.After 6 December, when creating a payment instruction using general templates, you may change the “Beneficiary Bank Identifier” to SWIFT BIC to include a valid SWIFT BIC for the payment instruction. You will not be able to edit the “Beneficiary Bank Identifier” field in restricted templates. You will need to create a new restricted template to provide a valid SWIFT BIC for the payment instruction.
The table below outlines the SWIFT BIC information for Payment Files uploaded via HSBCnet File Upload:
File Format Field where you can provide SWIFT BIC for ACH Credit payments
XML v3
<CdtrAgt> <FinInstnId><BIC>
XML v2.0
<CdtrAgt> <FinInstnId><CmbndId><BIC>
SECPTY- "@LVP@" -Field 36 (Beneficiary Bank ID/SWIFT Address)
Please provide “SWF” in Field 35 - Bene Bank ID/SWIFT Address CodeMEABASIC
Column R (LCC code/CBID code)
Please provide “SWF” in Column ALPaymul
Group 12 - FII+BF; Element - C088-3433 (Institution name identification)
We encourage you to start providing the SWIFT BIC for ACH Credit payments on Oman accounts. We will eventually end support for CBID codes for ACH Credit payments. In order to ensure you have time to make any necessary changes on your end, you will receive notification prior to the removal of CBID codes from HSBCnet.
For additional information on the Oman ACH Credit enhancement, please contact your local HSBCnet Support Centre or your HSBC representative.Balance and Transaction Reporting will soon be demised
For those users who have been using the Balance and Transaction Reporting (BTR) service to receive information on their accounts, please note that ‘Account Information’ has been introduced to replace Balance and Transaction Reporting. However, the two services are still available in parallel for a limited time.
To provide a smooth transition, all information within 'Account Information' can be found in the same way you are used to in Balance and Transaction Reporting.
For further assistance please review the following:
Additional resources including a Quick Guide to compare Account Information and BTR as well as an Account Information training video are available in the service Help Text.
Customers with accounts in Europe: enhanced reporting
*UPDATED 27 November 2015: France has been added to the Account Type list for this enhancement.
On 16 November, we are enhancing the quality of statements for a few transaction types on EU accounts specifically and these changes will enrich the HSBCnet Account Information service.
The SWIFT transaction type codes for some transaction types are changing, and other transaction type codes will remain unchanged. This will only be visible if you have customized your view in Account Information to display SWIFT codes instead of the local country codes. The table below outlines the payment type and specific SWIFT transaction type code changes as they will be displayed before and after the effective date.
Changes for following groups are documented:
- UK GBP account holders;
- UK Foreign Currency Account (FCA) holders;
- Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, and Spain Account holders.
Account TypeTransaction Type Current Effective 16
NovemberUK GBP
BACS Payments (debits) NDDT
Faster Payments (credits and debits) NMSC
SEPA Credit Transfer (credits and debits) NTRF
Priority Payments (debits and credits) NPAY
NTRF UK Foreign Currency Accounts
SEPA Credit Transfer (credits and debits NTRF
NSCT UK Foreign Currency Accounts
Priority Payments (credits and debits) NPAY
NTRF Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Spain
SEPA Credit Transfer (credits) NTRF
NSCT Customers with accounts in Canada: new USD correspondent bank
Please be informed that as of 28 September 2015, there is changes to HSBC Bank Canada's correspondent bank for domestic and international payments in USD currency.
New HSBC Bank Canada correspondent bank ‒ CitiBank, New York, SWIFT code CITIUS33.
Please note that while there will be a short transition period, where payments in USD will continue to be accepted by the previous correspondent bank, customers are encouraged to make the above changes as soon as possible to avoid the risk of payments being rejected.
Customers with accounts in the UAE: ACH Credit enhancements to support Pension Adjustments
Further to our communications sent in February, March and May 2015, from 1 June 2015 you have been able to submit your pension contributions (if any) via HSBCnet. This is in accordance with the General Pension & Social Security Authority (GPSSA) guidelines.
From 20 September 2015, we have further enhanced HSBCnet ACH Credit payment screens and payment files uploaded via the File Upload service. This change is designed to support Pension Adjustment payments in the UAE.
In addition to the existing “Remittance Information” field, HSBCnet ACH Credit payment screens include a new “Other Information” field. The “Other Information” field can be used to provide detailed information for Pension Adjustment payments.
For pension payments or adjustments initiated via the ACH Credit screen on HSBCnet, please be advised that you must select the "Not required" option in the "IBAN validation" field.
Read on to learn more about how to capture Pension Adjustment information accurately in your payment instructions.
Customers with accounts in Israel: Beneficiary Address requirement for cross-border payments
Effective 20 September, 2015, beneficiary address information is required for all cross-border payments debiting Israel accounts where the payment amount is equal to or greater than 1 Million Israeli Shekel (ILS), or its equivalent value.
The Beneficiary Address field in HSBCnet is mandatory for all payment instructions that meet the above criteria. You are be able to input up to three lines of information in the Beneficiary Address field. Please note that a minimum of one line of information is required in this field. If the beneficiary address information is not included as outlined above, you will receive an error message on HSBCnet and you will not be able to process the payment further.
Action required
Please ensure the following is completed:
- Input the beneficiary address information for all payment instructions in Pending Authorisation or Repair status (where the payment amount is equal to or greater than ILS 1 Million).
- Amend existing payment templates (General or Restricted) that meet the above criteria to include the beneficiary address information in the Beneficiary Address field (minimum 1 line).
Important information for customers using the File Upload service:
For cross-border payment files submitted using File Upload, where the debit account is in Israel and the payment amount is equal to or greater than 1 Million Israeli Shekel (ILS), or its equivalent value, please include the beneficiary address information in the Beneficiary Address field (minimum 1 line). Failure to include this information will result in payment rejection.
Supported File formats: Israel Flat file, MT103, XML V2/3, Paymul APCAS and CRG
For additional guidance on this enhancement, please review the Help Text available post-logon in the File Upload service or contact your local HSBCnet Support Centre.
Action required: Purpose of payment code requirement for payments from accounts in the Philippines
Effective 19 October 2015, the inclusion of Purpose of payment code is mandatory for payments debiting Philippines accounts made on-screen in HSBCnet and using the File Upload service.
Due to regulatory requirements of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, the HSBCnet payment system is upgraded to support the implementation of Purpose of payment codes in the Philippines. As a result of this change, payment instructions submitted through HSBCnet will be required to include a valid Purpose of payment code. Instructions submitted without a valid Purpose of payment code will be rejected.
Select the link below to learn more about how to incorporate Purpose of payment codes in your payments.
HSBCnet News is getting a new look
Coming soon is a newly redesigned format for HSBCnet News. The new easy-to-read layout features a streamlined look and feel, including menu tabs to make it easier for you to find the information you need.
HSBCnet News articles will be organized into four menu tabs:
Latest News – includes important information related to upcoming enhancements, regulatory changes and recent HSBCnet service updates;
Hints & Tips – articles designed to help you get the most out of your HSBCnet experience;
Security Information – review the information in this tab regularly to ensure your HSBCnet service remains protected;
Upcoming Service Maintenance – provides the schedule of planned HSBCnet maintenance windows for the next three months to help keep you informed of periods when HSBCnet service may be unavailable.
If you have not already done so, please add "HSBCnet.Communications@email.hsbcnet.com" to your list of approved senders to ensure you receive important information from HSBCnet by e-mail.
User Tip: update your profile details for enhanced Security and Service
English | En français |En Español |繁體中文 | 简体中文 | العربية
Keeping your information updated on HSBCnet not only allows support staff to serve you better, it can also prevent fraudulent activity from taking place. When you contact your local Support Centre, HSBCnet support staff may use the information from your HSBCnet profile to verify your identity. Keeping your e-mail address and phone number up-to-date in HSBCnet ensures we can contact you with important information in the future.
To update your profile information, access the Profile Details screen by selecting your name at the top of your HSBCnet screen.
Security Tip: security device safety – the yellow button warning
English | En français |En Español |繁體中文 | 简体中文 | العربية
The yellow button on your Security Device should only be used to authenticate transactions. We will never ask you to use the yellow button when you log on to HSBCnet (unless you are activating your Security Device for the first time), or request information that could be used to make a payment (such as account numbers, passwords, security device details with the exception of the serial number on the back, etc.)
When logging on to HSBCnet you should follow the instructions as indicated on the HSBCnet logon screen:
Step 1: Switch on your Security Device by holding the Green circle button for two seconds.
Step 2: Input your PIN number.
Step 3: Press the Green circle button again to generate a security code.
Step 4: Enter the security code the Security Device generates in the space provided.
If your log on process deviates from the steps outlined above, please contact your local HSBCnet Support Centre immediately.Information on HSBCnet service maintenance windows
Below is a calendar of our planned maintenance windows for the next three months during which there will be a full HSBCnet maintenance period to accommodate maintenance work.*
At times it is necessary to schedule non-regular maintenance windows to perform special types of maintenance. Notification of both planned and unplanned maintenance windows will also be posted to the HSBCnet Service Updates section.
Full maintenance window begins Full maintenance window ends Saturday, 5 December 2015 at 14:00 GMT Sunday, 6 December 2015 at 05:00 GMT File Upload maintenance window begins File Upload maintenance window ends Saturday, 14 November 2015 at 20:00 GMT Sunday, 15 November 2015 at 02:00 GMT*Maintenance window dates, beginnings and ends may be subject to change (with notice) to accommodate maintenance requirements.
Note: in the week prior to a service maintenance period, a Service Update banner confirming the maintenance window will be available post-logon in HSBCnet. Please review this information in advance of any planned maintenance period to confirm the date and time.