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Customers with accounts in France: account number format moving to IBAN
En français
Dear HSBCnet User,
Effective 17 November, 2014, the account number format for accounts in France on HSBCnet will move to International Bank Account Number (IBAN) format. This change will facilitate more streamlined reconciliation and will be reflected in Account Information as well as all payment screens.
Example: Current HSBCnet format IBAN format (after 17 November) 00120003456EUR FR9870065000430012000345621Please note: information in your bank statements could change due to this enhancement and as a result your ERP systems or automated account reconciliation programs may be impacted. If you download statements from HSBCnet for software (ERP) integration, please review the following to ensure on-going operation of your automated reconciliation processes after 17 November:
Instructions for customers downloading statements from HSBCnet
1) Check that your ERP system supports IBAN format.
2) Update your ERP system setup by 17 November.
3) If needed, contact your usual HSBC PCM expert for assistance with change requirements.IBAN account numbers are already available in HSBCnet. To view, log onto HSBCnet and select “Account Information” from under the “Accounts” tab located in the top main menu bar. When a France domiciled account is selected (either directly or via the Quick filter) it’s unique “Account Information” page will appear and include the IBAN.
For further assistance with this change, please contact your local Customer Support Centre.
Your HSBCnet Team
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