European accounts: name changes coming to HSBC France from 1 December

Last updated: 25 November 2020

On 1 December 2020 we’re updating the legal and institution name for HSBC France and its branches. This is a legal name change to support the update of the legal name from HSBC France to HSBC Continental Europe.

What this means for you

There will not be any material changes to your day-to-day interactions with HSBC France or its branches, and your organisation’s account numbers and SWIFT/BIC codes will not change. However, the name of HSBC France and its branches will change as a result of the update, and will be reflected in HSBCnet.

Beginning 6 December, you will start seeing the new institution and legal names on HSBCnet screens, as well as on your statements and reports. We recommend that you familiarise yourself with the updated institution and legal names for HSBC France.

Note: From 6 December 2020, the registered address appearing in your statements and advices will be updated from 103, avenue des Champs-Elysees, 75008, Paris, France to 38, Avenue Kleber, 75116 Paris, France

What do I need to do?

We’re automatically updating HSBCnet with the new legal and institution names, so you don’t need to take any action in HSBCnet to prepare for this change.

If any subsidiaries, affiliates or other third parties have provided us with their authority to add their account(s) or other services to your E-Channels profile, such as HSBCnet, HSBC Connect, and SWIFT, please notify them of these changes and advise them that the authority they have previously provided to HSBC France or one of its branches, will now be held and exercisable by the renamed entity or branch. This will be the case even if such Account Holders are located outside of the impacted countries.

If you use ERP systems or automated account reconciliation programs:
If you download Excel or CSV reports that reference (your institution name, using HSBCnet’s Account Information or Administration Reports services, we suggest that you review your internal systems and update them before 6 December (if required). Please note this may also impact any filtering rules you may have in your ERP systems.

Find out more

If you have any additional questions about the upcoming legal and institution name change, please contact your local HSBC representative.