New legal and institution names for HSBC France beginning 6 December

On 6 December, you’ll see new institution and legal names for HSBC France replacing the current institution and legal names on HBSCnet screens, as well as on your statements and reports.

If you have an account(s) and/or service(s) with HSBC France or one of the HSBC branches listed below, there will be limited changes to HSBCnet due to this update.

Review the updated Institution and Legal names in the following tables:

Country Current Institution name New Institution name
France HSBC France HSBC France
Ireland HSBC France Dublin Branch HSBC Ireland
Netherlands HSBC France Amsterdam Branch HSBC The Netherlands
Belgium HSBC France Brussels Branch HSBC Belgium
Italy HSBC France Milan Branch HSBC Italy
Spain HSBC France Spanish Branch HSBC Spain
Luxembourg HSBC France Luxembourg Branch HSBC Luxembourg
Greece HSBC France Athens Branch HSBC Greece
Czech Republic HSBC France pobocka Praha HSBC Czech Republic
Poland HSBC France Poland branch HSBC Poland
Sweden HSBC France Bank Stockholm Filial HSBC Sweden
Country Current Legal name New Legal name
France HSBC France HSBC Continental Europe
Ireland HSBC France, Dublin Branch HSBC Continental Europe
Netherlands HSBC France, Amsterdam Branch HSBC Continental Europe, The Netherlands
Belgium HSBC France, Brussels Branch HSBC Continental Europe, Belgium
Italy HSBC France, Milan Branch HSBC Continental Europe, Italy
Spain HSBC France, Spanish Branch HSBC Continental Europe, Sucursal en España
Luxembourg HSBC France, Luxembourg Branch HSBC Continental Europe, Luxembourg
Greece HSBC France, Athens Branch HSBC Continental Europe, Greece
Czech Republic HSBC France - pobocka Praha HSBC Continental Europe, Czech Republic
Poland HSBC France (Spółka Akcyjna) Oddział w Polsce HSBC Continental Europe (Spółka Akcyjna) Oddział w Polsce
Sweden HSBC France Bank, Stockholm Filial HSBC Continental Europe Bank, Sweden Filial

*Note: the Legal Name will only appear in your statements, advices, and alerts.