Important changes coming in June
Several new enhancements will be introduced to HSBCnet over the weekend of 13/14 June delivering more convenience to your banking experience. Changes include revised Inter-Account Payment screens, new look and feel for Customer Alerting, as well as Trade Service and HSBCnet Mobile enhancements.
Be sure to read on to see how these changes will enrich your HSBCnet experience.
Enhancements effective 13/14 June:
Inter-Account Transfer payment enhancement
Effective 14 June, 2015, HSBCnet Inter-Account Transfer payment screens are being enhanced to ensure that payment instructions capture only supported currencies in an effort to help avoid payment delays/rejections.
When creating Inter-Account Transfer (IAT) payment instruction, the payment currency choices will be limited to the currency of the debit/credit account. However, if the debit account country does not support the currency of the credit account, the currency of the debit account will be the only option displayed in the payment instruction.
Any existing Restricted Templates with non-supported currencies will need to be manually updated and authorised by entitled users prior to use for a payment. If you input a currency that is not supported by the debit account country, the following message will be displayed:
“The selected Transfer currency is not supported by your bank. Please review
the details in the Restricted template”
Important information for File Upload customers:
All payment files, containing Inter-Account Transfers, submitted using File Upload must include the currency of the debit/credit account (Tag 33B). If you input a currency that is not supported by the country of the debit account, the payment will be rejected. The following message will be included in the rejection report:
“Transfer currency must match DR or CR account currency”
For additional guidance on this enhancement, please review the “How do I create an Inter-Account Transfer?” Quick Guide available post-logon in the payment service Help Text or contact your local HSBCnet Support Centre.
New Look and Feel for HSBCnet Customer Alerting service
Over the weekend of 13/14 June, the Customer Alerting service on HSBCnet will be enhanced with an improved interface designed to provide a consistent, streamlined experience.
While the Customer Alerting screens will have a new look and feel, they will retain the functionality that you are familiar with. Service enhancements include:
- Revamped screens within the service that will provide a more intuitive on-screen experience.
- New progress tracker for the Scheduled Alerts service will allow you to navigate between screens when creating alert details or changing alerts.
- Entitled authorisers (in all countries) will be able to set up to receive an email notification when a payment is made using the Positive Pay service. To set up the email alert, selected recipients will need to ensure their e-mail address is up-to-date in their User Profile and the e-mail option will need to be selected in the “Alert by” section of the Positive Pay notification setup.
Mandatory Alert changes for customers in Hong Kong and Singapore
Currently, the Alerting service sends an alert to all authorisers under your company profile when a payment instruction is authorised on HSBCnet. After the effective date, only the authoriser that authorises a payment instruction will receive the alert.As a reminder, we recommend that you verify that your mobile phone number is updated in HSBCnet to ensure that you receive your scheduled alerts. When you select your name from the top of any HSBCnet screen you will open the User Profile screen where you can update your mobile phone number and other personal contact information.
If you need assistance with this updated service please review the Customer Alerting User Guide which is available in the HSBCnet Help Centre or within the Customer Alerting service Help Text.
Enhancements for Trade Services
Effective 15 June, the following Trade Services enhancements to the Import Loan and Documentary Credit (DC) Application will be available on HSBCnet.
Import Loan
You will be able to create import loan requests faster and more efficiently by using the new import loan template. Templates can be saved as an option when creating a new import loan instruction. These templates will be available in Trade Templates & Lists.System Administrators must ensure that Users have access by entitling them to the Trade Templates & Lists service, as well as, Import Account – Import Finance service.
DC Application
Enhancements to the DC Application form will expedite processing by ensuring instructions are complete.
- Within the Payment Terms:
A. It will be mandatory to complete or select an appropriate Payment Clause.
B. Also, where a Draft is required, you will be required to enter a Drawee. Likewise, when a Drawee is entered, a Draft will therefore be required.
2. The International Commercial Terms (Incoterms), listed under the Trade terms, will be updated as per the latest International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) standard.
For Trade Services, Guarantees and Standby Documentary Credit, the major currency codes have been restructured to display at the top of the currency dropdown list, followed by a separator, and the remaining currencies in alphabetical order. This will simplify the currency selection process.
For more information, please contact your local trade representative.
HSBCnet Mobile: File Level Authorisation service now available
As of 13/14 June, HSBCnet Mobile users will be able to authorise file level payment instructions directly on their smartphone devices – providing you with even more direct access to your entitled accounts and services anytime, anywhere.
To authorise payment files via HSBCnet Mobile, select the “Authorise” icon from the home screen. Select the “Payment File - FLA” from the list in the Authorisation Pending screen. Select the payment instruction(s) you wish to authorise and proceed with authorisation in the same way you are familiar with when using the desktop version of HSBCnet.
In addition to the existing payment types available for authorisation in HSBCnet Mobile, as of 14 June you will also be able to authorise Zengin Priority Payments on your mobile device. The My Alerts service is also being enhanced to support Zengin Priority Payments.
As a reminder, payment instructions which require SKDS (South Korea Digital Signing) will be available for viewing only on HSBCnet Mobile. To authorise these payments, please log in to HSBCnet via your computer.
For more information on HSBCnet Mobile please visit the HSBCnet Help Centre post logon to review the video tutorial and User Guide.
If you have never used HSBCnet Mobile* before – it’s easy to get started. Simply enter into your smartphone's web browser using your logon credentials and gain instant access to:
• View account balances and statements;
• Create payments to existing beneficiaries**;
• Receive notification of payments ready for authorisation via My Alerts; and
• Authorise payments.
* HSBCnet Mobile is not available in all countries. Review the HSBCnet Mobile User Guide available in the HSBCnet Help Centre to view the list of countries where the service is currently available.
** Specific service not available in all countries.
ACH payment enhancements for customers in Brunei
In support of the Central Bank of Brunei (AMBD) initiative, HSBC will align payment processing to be a part of the national automated clearing and settlement system (ACH) effective 13 June, 2015.
As part of this upgrade, the value date fields in the second party details section on HSBCnet ACH Credit payment instruction screens will be disabled.
Action required
Please ensure the following is complete by 13 June, 2015:
- All existing payment instructions under “Pending repair” status will need to be completed.
- Any ACH payments pending authorisation will need to be authorised.
- Existing ACH payment templates (General or Restricted) will need to be deleted and re-created.
Any ACH payment instructions not actioned as above by the effective date will be rejected.
Important information for File Upload customers:
When creating payment files in iFile and XML formats, you will need to leave the second party value date(s) blank. If the second party value date(s) are provided, the date will be ignored and the batch header value date will be used.
For additional information regarding this change please contact your local HSBCnet Support Centre.
Customers with Korean accounts: File Upload entitlement updates required
To further enhance the beneficiary name checking service introduced in March 2015, new entitlements are required as of 14 June that provide you improved control and administrative efficiencies when managing Bulk Beneficiary Name Enquiry Lists.
As part of this enhancement, effective 14 June, in order to continue using Bulk Beneficiary Name Enquiry files, System Administrators will need to update user entitlements.
Please note: Payment files on Korean accounts loaded using the File Upload service will still require South Korea Digital Signing (SKDS) certification. However, System Administrators will also be able to entitle any user to upload Bulk Beneficiary Name Enquiry files without the need for a SKDS certificate.Action required as of 14 June:
To use this service, a new entitlement category is being introduced for users, which will allow for better administrative control over non-payment files.To update entitlements for users who are responsible for uploading Bulk Beneficiary Name Enquiry files, select the Payment Beneficiary’s “Pre-auth level” boxes in the Upload and Enquire Authority sections of the File Upload Entitlements screen.
System Administrators will also need to entitle users responsible for enquiring on Bulk Beneficiary Name Enquiry files by selecting the following report in the Report and Files Download (RFD) entitlements.
Report ID Report name
Beneficiary Name Checking Report
The entitled users can download the Beneficiary Name Checking reports in the RFD service.
For additional information and assistance regarding this change, please contact your local HSBCnet Support Centre.
Brazil GARE ICMS tax payments coming soon to HSBCnet
Versão em Português Effective 15 June, customers in Brazil will have the ability to make their GARE (Guia de Arrecadação Estadual) tax payments through the Bill Payment service on HSBCnet.
GARE tax payments in Brazil are issued either with a barcode or without a barcode. For GARE tax payments issued with a barcode, HSBCnet will accept all types of tax payments. For GARE tax payments issued without a barcode, only Impostos Sobre Circulação de Mercadorias e Prestação de Serviços (ICMS) payments will be accepted on HSBCnet.
In order to make the GARE (with barcode) and GARE ICMS (without barcode) tax payments, you will need to be entitled to a Brazilian BRL currency debit account on HSBCnet. To access this service, select the Bill Payment service from the Payments menu on HSBCnet.
When creating the new payment instruction for a GARE tax payment, you will be prompted to enter a barcode. If you do not have a barcode for the tax payment, you will have the option to select the ‘I do not have a barcode button’ as shown in the image below and pay your GARE ICMS tax payment.
If you provide a barcode in your payment instruction, HSBCnet will validate the barcode and you will advised if you have input an invalid or duplicate barcode. If an invalid barcode has been input, you will need to re-enter a valid barcode. If entering a duplicate barcode, you will be asked to confirm that you wish to proceed with the payment or cancel the payment instruction.
Once you have completed the associated payment details in the payment instruction, you will be asked to submit and confirm the payment instruction. Please note, the payment date will be rejected by the system if it falls on a local statutory holiday in Brazil. In this case, you will need to input another business day in the “Payment date” field to proceed. If your company uses Dual Transaction Control, you will need to have the payment instruction authorised via the Authorisation Summary service on HSBCnet.
For additional information on using this service, please review the Brazil Tax Payment section of the Bill Payments User Guide available in the HSBCnet Help Centre and also within the Bill Payment service Help Text.
Account Information enhancement for accounts in France
As of 15 June, Account Statement Details and Transaction Details screens will display a CFONB Code table for accounts in France.
The CFONB column will have an (i) icon which can be selected to display the CFONB Code table for reference on transactions.
Historical Statement enhancements for customers with accounts in UK
Effective 14 June, customers with UK Current, Savings and Foreign currency accounts, will have access to a new tab, “Historic Statements View”, through the Account Information Service.
Located alongside the existing “Balances”, “Statements”, “Next Working Day Transactions”, and “Charges & Interest tabs”, “Historic Statements View” will display:
- historic transactions going back to 2006 for UK Business Current and Savings accounts in printable statement format.
- 7 years of historic transactions for UK Foreign Currency accounts in printable monthly period format.
New reference field for UK Global Disbursement Transaction screens
Effective 15 June, a new Next party reference field will be added to the Global Disbursements Transaction details and Transactions details history screens. The field is principally used for Global Disbursement Demand Draft Instrument Numbers or reference information received from the Correspondent Network.