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Get Rate service: gain more control of your foreign exchange payments

Last updated: 9 January 2019

Get Rate is an easy-to-use feature that offers greater control over your cross-currency payments. It allows you to view and instantly confirm Foreign Exchange (FX) rates when approving Priority Payments/Customer Transfers or Inter-account Transfers from your accounts with a few simple clicks.*

Key benefits:

  • Save time - confirm the FX rate at the same time as authorising the payment.
  • Get Rate offers a real-time FX price - view the rate before accepting.
  • Improve your reconciliation accuracy and straight through processing.

How it works:

Get Rate is simple to use and appears automatically for eligible payment instructions at the final stage of authorising transactions. It provides you with a real-time quote for the debit/credit amounts and the exchange rate. Payments that may be eligible for Get Rate are marked with a ‘$’ or ‘GR’ symbol.

To review the list of currencies supported by Get Rate in each country and learn how to use this service, the following guides are available via the ‘Help’ link on HSBCnet.

  • How do I use Get Rate when authorising a payment?
  • Get Rate Supported Currencies
  • Payments User Guide

Find out more

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact your local HSBCnet Support Centre.

* Get Rate supported currencies and accounts are subject to change without notification. We recommend that you regularly review the Get Rate Supported Currencies guide in the HSBCnet Help Centre for the most up-to-date information.

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