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For customers with accounts in Singapore: New Taiwan Dollar (TWD) currency is not unavailable from 1 January 2018

Last updated: 16 January 2018

Effective 1 January 2018, the New Taiwan Dollar (TWD) is no longer available as a payment currency option for accounts in Singapore.

What this means for you

From 1 January 2018, the TWD currency is not available in the currency drop-down menu on HSBCnet payment screens. This change applies for Priority Payments (including templates) from all debit accounts in Singapore.

  • TWD currency payments until 29 December 2017
    TWD currency payments that were value-dated up to 29 December 2017 were possible. TWD payments that were forward-dated after 29 December will be rejected by the system on their value dates.

    We recommend that you review your forward-dated payments and templates and update the currency as needed.

  • Payments to Taiwan after 29 December 2017
    When sending payments to Taiwan after 29 December, you must select other supported currencies from the drop-down menu on HSBCnet (such as SGD, USD, or EUR).

Find out more

For questions about making payments to Taiwan from accounts in Singapore, please contact your local HSBCnet Support Centre.


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