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Customers with accounts in Brazil: HSBC’s sale of business in Brazil - notice of Our intention to replicate HSBCnet entitlements and limits from former HSBC Brazil account(s) to new Banco Bradesco S.A (‘Bradesco’) account(s)
Dear HSBCnet User,
In 2015, HSBC agreed to sell its business operations in Brazil to Banco Bradesco S.A (‘Bradesco’) a Brazilian-based bank. On 8 June 2016, the Transaction was unanimously approved by the Brazilian Administrative Council for Economic Defence (Brazil’s Competition Agency) and at a future date to be confirmed, HSBC’s operations in Brazil will be officially transferred to Banco Bradesco S.A (‘Bradesco’), including all local accounts and system infrastructure.
As a result of this sale, you will continue to be able to access your current accounts in Brazil using HSBCnet through a third party relationship with Banco Bradesco S.A (‘Bradesco’) after the effective transfer date. Your account numbers at that moment, will not change and you are not required to take any action to allow the transfer to Banco Bradesco S.A (‘Bradesco’) to happen, however, the following details apply:
- At a date and time to be announced, as We may advise You, it is Our intention to replicate the entitlements and limits applied within HSBCnet to the account(s) previously provided by HSBC Brazil and reported to Your HSBCnet profile (whether those accounts are owned by You or where relevant, Your Customer Associates) to the Brazil account(s) that will soon be provided by Banco Bradesco S.A (‘Bradesco’).
- As part of the replication of entitlements and restrictions mentioned above, all Your Users who were formerly attached to the HSBC Brazil account(s) will now be attached to the Banco Bradesco S.A (‘Bradesco’) account(s), with the same entitlements as before.
- You agree that HSBC Group and Banco Bradesco S.A (‘Bradesco’) may share information about you and your account(s) and you agree that Banco Bradesco S.A (‘Bradesco’) may give effect to any Customer Instruction received via HSBCnet whether by debiting your account(s) held by them or by taking any other relevant action.
- Unless you inform us otherwise in writing, your (or any of Your Users’) access to or use of any of your account(s) previously provided by HSBC Brazil via HSBCnet after the time and date set out in paragraph 1 above will be deemed to constitute your acceptance of the provisions of this letter.
- Expressions used in this communication have the same meaning as corresponding expressions in Your HSBCnet Agreement, except where the context otherwise requires.
- This communication is governed by and will be construed in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction named within the section of the HSBCnet Agreement entitled “Principal Bank and Governing Law.
Other important information
- Payment Templates - If you use any general or restricted payment templates containing former HSBC account information, you will need to create new templates or amend existing ones within HSBCnet before they can be used in conjunction with your Banco Bradesco S.A (‘Bradesco’) accounts.
- Entitlements - We will transfer all User entitlements with the exception of User Level Report Writer which will need to be re-created by you. However, if you operate under 'sole transaction control' we cannot transfer your entitlements and it is advised that you to take screenshots of your existing setup before 30 June, 2016.
- Forward Dated Transactions - Any forward dated transactions debiting the HSBC accounts in Brazil with a value date after the sale will not be processed. These transactions should be cancelled and resubmitted after the Banco Bradesco S.A (‘Bradesco’) accounts are available to you in early July.
- Customer Alerts – notifications you have set in HSBCnet for any of your HSBC Brazil Accounts will need to be reset to reflect account updates.
- Account Information – When the transfer takes place in early July, the Account Information service in HSBCnet will display your HSBC Account Balance and transactions prior to the creation of the new Bradesco Account. The historical information on your HSBC Brazil account will remain available but all new transactions will now be conducted via your Bradesco account. The HSBCnet Account Information service will reflect this which you can differentiate using filter as shown in image below.
Please also note that account statement information for your Banco Bradesco S.A (‘Bradesco’) S.A (‘Banco Bradesco S.A (‘Bradesco’)’) accounts will not be available during the weekend the transfer takes place. Notification will be provided once this date is confirmed.Questions?
On behalf of HSBC, we appreciate your business and trust your relationship with Banco Bradesco S.A (‘Bradesco’) will be a positive one. If you have any questions regarding this transition of your HSBC services, please contact your local HSBCnet Support Centre.
Your HSBCnet TeamPlease do not reply to this e-mail.
The postal address for related inquiries is:
HSBC - E-Channels
8 Canada Square
London UK E14 5HQ
This communication is provided by HSBC Bank plc on behalf of the member of the HSBC Group that has contracted with your organisation for the provision of HSBCnet services. You received this e-mail notification because you are a registered User of HSBCnet. Should you have any concerns regarding the validity of this message, please contact your local HSBCnet customer support.
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