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Update to KPW Purpose Code requirements for payments from accounts domiciled in Malaysia

Dear HSBCnet User,

Effective 14 December 2015, and in compliance with reporting requirements from Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM), KPW (Kawalan Pertukaran Wang)  purpose code 16900 - Other services transaction (Non-Interest Expenses) will be removed from HSBCnet’s Priority Payment and Customer Transfer screens.

This requirement is to ensure that a specific KPW purpose code is selected to facilitate accurate reporting to BNM.

Action required
As of 14 December, all existing General or Restricted Priority Payment / Customer Transfer templates on HSBCnet with 16900 code must be updated with a different KPW purpose code.

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For further assistance, please contact your HSBC representative or local HSBCnet Support Centre.


Your HSBCnet Team


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