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New ISPB code method for Brazil TED payments
Dear HSBCnet User,
Effective 22 March, a new Beneficiary Bank Identifier code listed as 'ISPB code' will be available for use for Brazil TED payments (High Value payments). While this option will be available earlier, please refrain from using the service prior to the effective date as it may result in the rejection of your TED payment.
The implementation of this new code will satisfy regulatory requirements set by the Central Bank of Brazil to support messages using the ISPB code which identify the financial institutions in the Brazilian Payment System. This option will be seen when the following TED payment creation conditions are met (Core Payment and TED Payment screens): Debit account is a Brazil domiciled account and Payment amount currency is BRL.
Core Payment screen
TED Payment screen
Please note: When the credit account is from a banking institution the minimum TED amounts remains as BRL 1,000.00, but for non-banking institutions (which don't have bank codes, only ISPB codes) there is no minimum amount for TED payments.
For customers that operate with files there will be a layout change required if they need to use ISPB codes. To get information on the layout changes, please contact hsbcnet.implementationbrazil@hsbc.com.br.
For further assistance, please contact Brazilian HSBCnet Support at 0800 701 3911 (Local) / + 55 41 3307 6911 (International) or via e-mail: hsbcnet.supportbrazil@hsbc.com.br.
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