US accounts: transaction limit increase for Real-Time Payments

Last updated: 31 August 2020

The Clearing House RTP® Network in the US has updated its operating rules for RTP payments to increase the per transaction limit from USD 25,000 to USD 100,000.

In the coming weeks, HSBCnet’s Payments service will be updated to allow you to submit Real-Time Payments valued up to USD 100,000 per transaction.

What this means for you

You will be able to submit RTP payments up to USD 100,000 per transaction with real-time settlement using the Priority Payments screens in HSBCnet. RTP payments must be:

  • less than or equal to USD 100,000; and
  • issued to a domestic beneficiary (where beneficiary bank location is located within the US); and
  • sent to a domestic bank’s routing transit number that is participating in the RTP Payment Network.

We’re also updating RTP Priority Payment screens

The city and state fields will become mandatory when you’re including a beneficiary’s address in a payment from a US account. If you have saved any RTP beneficiary address details in HSBCnet, please be sure to update the city and state fields.

If you see the instructing party field to make payments on behalf of another party, you will also be able to include the final beneficiary details in an RTP payment. This allows you to clearly identify all the parties in the payment.

Find out more

To learn more, review the Real-Time Payments guide in the HSBCnet Help Centre.

For further assistance, contact your local HSBCnet Support Centre.

RTP® is a registered trademark of The Clearing House Payments Company LLC.

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