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Action required: new Payment Purpose code requirements for Bahrain domestic Priority Payment and ACH Credit payments
The Central Bank of Bahrain has recently announced that all banks in Bahrain need to implement Electronic Funds Transfer System (EFTS) - a national electronic payments system inter-connecting all retail banks, their customers (Personal and Corporate) and Bill Originators. EFTS services are accessible through the banks' various channels, including HSBCnet.
As part of this enhancement, there is a new mandatory requirement to include a valid Purpose of Payment for all domestic payment instructions which are sent to HSBC.
Effective 19 June, domestic payment instructions submitted on-screen or via File Upload without a valid Payment Purpose code will be rejected.
Important note: Forward dated payment instructions cannot be modified. If payment details need to be changed, the instruction will need to be cancelled and re-created. Any domestic payment instruction created before 19 June 2016 with a future value date of 19 June 2016 or later will need to be cancelled and re-created on or after 19 June 2016.
The list of Payment Purpose codes and descriptions available 19 June:
Code |
Description |
001 |
Ordinary transfers |
020 |
Fee Payment |
021 |
Salary payment |
022 |
Generic Bill Payment |
023 |
Top-up of Prepaid Account |
024 |
Transfer from Prepaid Account to Bank Account |
025 |
Credit Card Settlement |
026 |
Pension |
027 |
Dividends |
028 |
Interest Received |
029 |
Loan Installment |
030 |
Rental |
031 |
Charity Payments |
Customers making on-screen payments in HSBCnet
Priority Payments:
As of 19 June, the mandatory Payment Purpose code field will be included in the “Regulatory reporting” section of your Priority Payment instruction and template screens.
In the Regulatory reporting section, select ‘/BENEFRES/’ and ‘BH Bahrain’ from the two drop down lists. Select the “Add Payment Purpose code” button and select the appropriate code from the list for your payment.

(Select image to enlarge)
ACH Credit payments:
From 19 June, the following fields will become mandatory in the ACH Credit payment instruction screen for payments from your Bahraini debit accounts:
New mandatory field |
Purpose of Payment |
Payment Purpose code is a mandatory field |
New optional field |
Remittance information |
This field can be used to provide details for the payment and will accept up to 140 characters. |
In addition, several labels on the ‘Create new ACH Payment’ screen will be changed to ensure payment instruction information is more acurate and easier to complete.
Changes to field labels effective 19 June |
Existing Field Labels |
New Labels |
Second Party ID |
Beneficiary ID |
Second Party Name |
Beneficiary Name |
Bank Number |
Beneficiary Bank Identifier |
Reference |
Beneficiary Reference |
Updated ACH Credit screen (effective 19 June):

(Select image to enlarge)
The look and feel for the ‘Review’, ‘Acknowledgement’, ‘Authorisation Summary’, ‘Authorisation’ and ‘Partial Authorisation’ screens have also been updated to reflect the above described changes but remainder of the functionality remains intact.
Please note that after 19 June 2016, when attempting to create a payment instruction using general/restricted templates, the instruction will be displayed using the new input screen and the new fields will be editable. In addition to the above changes, from 19 June 2016, HSBCnet ACH Credit payment instruction screens will be enhanced to support the industry standard SWIFT Bank Identification Codes (BIC) for accounts domiciled in Bahrain.
Customers making payments using the File Upload service
The table below outlines the Payment Purpose code information for payment files uploaded via HSBCnet File Upload:
File format |
Payment type |
Payment Purpose code field |
XML v3 |
<RgltryRptg><Dtls><Cd>3 letter purpose code</Cd></Dtls></RgltryRptg> |
PP |
<RgltryRptg><Dtls><Inf>/BENEFRES/BH//3 letter purpose code</Inf></Dtls></RgltryRptg> |
XML v2 |
<RgltryRptg><RgltryDtls><Inf>3 letter purpose code</Inf></RgltryDtls></RgltryRptg> |
PP |
<RgltryRptg><RgltryDtls><Inf>/BENEFRES/BH//3 letter purpose code</Inf></RgltryDtls></RgltryRptg> |
iFile |
SECPTY(Field 65) populate '3 letter purpose code' |
PP |
SECPTY(Field 65) populate /BENEFRES/BH//3 letter purpose code |
Column No AK - 3 letter purpose code |
PP |
Column No 'BD' - populate /BENEFRES/BH//3 letter purpose code |
Group 15 - GIS+37' followed by FTX+ABY+++3 letter purpose code Element - C108-4440 |
PP |
Group 15 - Free text[1] - GIS+37' followed by FTX+ABY+++/BENEFRES/BH//3 letter purpose code Element' Element - C108-4440 |
MT103 |
PP only |
Tag 77B - populate /BENEFRES/BH//3 letter purpose code |
For additional information on including Payment Purpose codes in your Bahraini domestic payments, please contact your local HSBCnet Support Centre or your HSBC representative.
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