Qatar accounts: Purpose of Payment and Relationship details for payments

Last updated: 12 October 2022

Starting 10 December 2022, in line with Qatar Central Bank regulation, Purpose of Payment and Relationship details (the relationship between remitter and beneficiary) will be required for all outgoing domestic and cross-border payments submitted through HSBCnet, HSBCnet Mobile, HSBC Connect and SWIFTNet.

This requirement will apply to the following payment types:

  1. Automated Clearing House (ACH) bulk payments
  2. Cross-border Priority Payments
  3. Domestic Priority Payments
  4. Inter-account transfers

What this means for you

From 10 December 2022, any applicable payment sent from HSBC accounts in Qatar without a valid Purpose of Payment code and Relationship details may be delayed or rejected.

View full list of Purpose of Payment codes for payments ❯

To avoid any delays in sending payments, we recommend that you review and, if necessary, update payments that are debiting HSBC Qatar accounts to include valid Purpose of Payment codes and Relationship details for the following payment services:

  • Creating payments in HSBCnet:
    From 10 December 2022, you’ll need to include a valid Purpose of Payment code and Relationship details in respective fields when creating ACH, Priority Payment and Inter-account transfers.
  • General or restricted templates:
    Review and update your payment templates and make sure they include a valid Purpose of Payment code and Relationship details by 10 December 2022.
  • Standing instructions and forward-dated payments:
    Review and update your standing instructions or forward-dated payments before 10 December 2022 to make sure a valid Purpose of Payment code and Relationship details are included.
  • File upload or HSBC Connect
    From 10 December 2022, payment files uploaded using File upload or HSBC Connect must include a valid Purpose of Payment code and Relationship details.

How to include Purpose of Payment codes and Relationship details in your payments ❯

Find out more

If you have any questions, please contact your local HSBCnet Support Centre.