New statement narratives for Canada INTERAC e-Transfer®

Starting 17 October 2022, Canadian dollar (CAD) HSBC accounts in Canada will be able to send INTERAC e-Transfer® payments.

What this means for you

If you use ERP systems or automated account reconciliation programs for electronic statements, you may be impacted by the statement narrative updates. To ensure the ongoing operation of your automated reconciliation processes, we recommend that you review your internal systems and if required, update them by 17 October 2022.

This change affects statement entries in the following formats: HSBCnet Account Information, Excel exports, Reports and Files Download, BAI2 Intra-Day and End of Day, MT940, MT942 and CSV formatted reports.

The examples provided below are for the purpose of demonstrating the new statement narratives and may not exactly match your statement entries.

1. New Transaction codes for INTERAC e-Transfer® payments

    New transaction codes have been introduced to identify INTERAC e-Transfer® payments in Canadian HSBC accounts. The transaction codes will vary depending on the statements your company receives.
INTERAC e-Transfer® payment – Outward
Statement type Transaction code
INTERAC e-Transfer® Payment – Outward INTERAC e-Transfer® Payment – Outward charges

HSBCnet Account Information



BAI statement



SWIFT MT940/942



INTERAC e-Transfer® payment – Cancelation
Statement type Transaction code
INTERAC e-Transfer® Payment – Cancel INTERAC e-Transfer® Payment – Cancel charges INTERAC e-Transfer® Payment – Refund charges

HSBCnet Account Information




BAI statement




SWIFT MT940/942





2. For MT940/942 statements:

INTERAC e-Transfer® Payment – Outward
Statement tags New values Description

Tag 61

Subfield 6-9

6. SWIFT Code = NTRF

7. Customer Reference = Your reference as entered during payment creation. If not provided, HSBCnet payment instruction number (IRN) will be populated (16x)

8. Bank Reference = HSBC reference (16x)


INTERAC e-Transfer payments will report with the transaction code NTRF on your SWIFT statements.

RTP Identifier is: /PYTP/SCT CROUT

Tag 86

Line 1-6


/BENM/Beneficiary name (140x)+

/EREF/End to end reference (35x)+

/IREF/ Interac reference (16x)+

/PREF/HSBCnet payment instruction number (16x)

Following codeword will be reported as part of statement description of a INTERAC e-Transfer payments:

/BENM/ - Beneficiary name

/EREF/ - End to end reference as entered during payment creation. If not provided, ‘NONREF’ will be populated

/IREF/ - Interac reference

/PREF/ HSBCnet payment instruction number (IRN). It will not be included if it is same as tag61.7

INTERAC e-Transfer® Payment – Outward charges
Statement tags New values Description

Tag 61

Subfield 6-9

6. SWIFT Code = NCHG




INTERAC e-Transfer payment charges where applicable will report with the transaction code NCHG on your SWIFT statements.

Tag 86

Line 1-6



/CREF/ Your reference or HSBCnet payment instruction number (IRN) (16x)+

/EREF/End to end reference (35x)+

/IREF/ Interac reference (16x)+

/PREF/HSBCnet payment instruction number (16x)

Following codeword will be reported as part of statement description of a INTERAC e-Transfer charges (where applicable):

/CREF/ - Your reference as entered during payment creation. If not provided, HSBCnet payment instruction number (IRN) will be populated

/EREF/ - End to end reference as entered during payment creation. If not provided, ‘NONREF’ will be populated

/IREF/ - Interac reference

/PREF/ HSBCnet payment instruction number (IRN). It will not be included if it is same as /CREF/

INTERAC e-Transfer® Payment – Cancel
Statement tags New values Description

Tag 61

Subfield 6-9

6. SWIFT Code = NRTI

7. Customer Reference = Your reference as entered during payment creation from the original outward INTERAC e-Transfer. If not provided, HSBCnet payment instruction number (IRN) from the original outward INTERAC e-Transfer will be populated

8. Bank Reference = HSBC reference (16x)


INTERAC e-Transfer cancelations will report with the transaction code NRTI on your SWIFT statements.

RTP cancelation Identifier is: /PYTP/SCT CANC

Tag 86

Line 1-6



/EREF/End to end reference (35x)+

/IREF/ Interac reference (16x)+

/PREF/HSBCnet payment instruction number (16x)

Following codeword will be reported as part of statement description of a INTERAC e-Transfer cancelations:

/EREF/ - End to end reference as entered during payment creation from the original outward INTERAC e-Transfer. If not provided, ‘NONREF’ will be populated

/IREF/ - Interac reference from the original outward INTERAC e-Transfer

/PREF/ HSBCnet payment instruction number (IRN) from the original outward INTERAC e-Transfer. It will not be included if it is same as tag61.7

INTERAC e-Transfer® Payment – Cancelation charges
Statement tags New values Description

Tag 61

Subfield 6-9

6. SWIFT Code = NCHG




INTERAC e-Transfer cancelation charges where applicable will report with the transaction code NCHG on your SWIFT statements.

Tag 86

Line 1-6



/CREF/ Your reference or HSBCnet payment instruction number (IRN) (16x)+

/EREF/End to end reference (35x)+

/IREF/ Interac reference (16x)+

/PREF/HSBCnet payment instruction number (16x)

Following codeword will be reported as part of statement description of a INTERAC e-Transfer cancelation charges (where applicable):

/CREF/ - Your reference as entered during payment creation from the original outward INTERAC e-Transfer. If not provided, HSBCnet payment instruction number (IRN) from the original outward INTERAC e-Transfer will be populated

/EREF/ - End to end reference as entered during payment creation from the original outward INTERAC e-Transfer. If not provided, ‘NONREF’ will be populated

/IREF/ - Interac reference from the original outward INTERAC e-Transfer

/PREF/ HSBCnet payment instruction number (IRN) from the original outward INTERAC e-Transfer. It will not be included if it is same as /CREF/

INTERAC e-Transfer® Payment – Refund charges
Statement tags New values Description

Tag 61

Subfield 6-9

6. SWIFT Code = NCHG




INTERAC e-Transfer payment refund of charges where applicable will report with the transaction code NCHG on your SWIFT statements.

Tag 86

Line 1-6



/CREF/ Your reference or HSBCnet payment instruction number (IRN) (16x)+

/EREF/End to end reference (35x)+

/IREF/ Interac reference (16x)+

/PREF/HSBCnet payment instruction number (16x)

Following codeword will be reported as part of statement description of a INTERAC e-Transfer refund of charges (where applicable):

/CREF/ - Your reference as entered during payment creation from the original outward INTERAC e-Transfer. If not provided, HSBCnet payment instruction number (IRN) from the original outward INTERAC e-Transfer will be populated

/EREF/ - End to end reference as entered during payment creation from the original outward INTERAC e-Transfer. If not provided, ‘NONREF’ will be populated

/IREF/ - Interac reference from the original outward INTERAC e-Transfer

/PREF/ HSBCnet payment instruction number (IRN) from the original outward INTERAC e-Transfer. It will not be included if it is same as /CREF/

3. For BAI intraday/end of day statements:

Statement narratives is populated in BAI report as combination of 16-88 segments as per the space available in segment 16. It means that data can start from segment 16 and then span across segment 88.

INTERAC e-Transfer® Payment – Outward
Statement tags New values Description

Record 16

BAI Transaction Code = 458

Amount, Bank Reference, Customer Reference

INTERAC e-Transfer payments will report with a transaction code 458 on your BAI statement.

Transaction detail and record line 88 continuation (multiple lines)


/BENM/Beneficiary name (140x)+

/EREF/End to end reference (35x)+

/IREF/ Interac reference (16x)+

/PREF/HSBCnet payment instruction number (16x)

Following codeword will be reported as part of statement description of a INTERAC e-Transfer payments:

/BENM/ - Beneficiary name

/EREF/ - End to end reference as entered during payment creation. If not provided, ‘NONREF’ will be populated

/IREF/ - Interac reference

/PREF/ HSBCnet payment instruction number (IRN). It will not be included if it is same as Customer reference

INTERAC e-Transfer® Payment – Outward charges
Statement tags New values Description

Record 16

BAI Transaction Code = 698

Amount, Bank Reference (NONREF), Customer Reference (NONREF)

INTERAC e-Transfer payment charges where applicable will report with a transaction code 698 on your BAI statement.

Transaction detail and record line 88 continuation (multiple lines)



/CREF/ Your reference or HSBCnet payment instruction number (IRN) (16x)+

/EREF/End to end reference (35x)+

/IREF/ Interac reference (16x)+

/PREF/HSBCnet payment instruction number (16x)

Following codeword will be reported as part of statement description of a INTERAC e-Transfer charges (where applicable):

/CREF/ - Your reference as entered during payment creation. If not provided, HSBCnet payment instruction number (IRN) will be populated

/EREF/ - End to end reference as entered during payment creation. If not provided, ‘NONREF’ will be populated

/IREF/ - Interac reference

/PREF/ HSBCnet payment instruction number (IRN). It will not be included if it is same as /CREF/

INTERAC e-Transfer® Payment – Cancel
Statement tags New values Description

Record 16

BAI Transaction Code = 261

Amount, Bank Reference, Customer Reference

INTERAC e-Transfer cancelations will report with a transaction code 261 on your BAI statement.

Transaction detail and record line 88 continuation (multiple lines)



/EREF/End to end reference (35x)+

/IREF/ Interac reference (16x)+

/PREF/HSBCnet payment instruction number (16x)

Following codeword will be reported as part of statement description of a INTERAC e-Transfer cancelations:

/EREF/ - End to end reference as entered during payment creation from the original outward INTERAC e-Transfer. If not provided, ‘NONREF’ will be populated

/IREF/ - Interac reference from the original outward INTERAC e-Transfer

/PREF/ HSBCnet payment instruction number (IRN) from the original outward INTERAC e-Transfer. It will not be included if it is same as Customer reference

INTERAC e-Transfer® Payment – Cancelation charges
Statement tags New values Description

Record 16

BAI Transaction Code = 698

Amount, Bank Reference (NONREF), Customer Reference (NONREF)

INTERAC e-Transfer cancelation charges where applicable will report with a transaction code 698 on your BAI statement.

Transaction detail and record line 88 continuation (multiple lines)



/CREF/ Your reference or HSBCnet payment instruction number (IRN) (16x)+

/EREF/End to end reference (35x)+

/IREF/ Interac reference (16x)+

/PREF/HSBCnet payment instruction number (16x)

Following codeword will be reported as part of statement description of a INTERAC e-Transfer cancelation charges (where applicable):

/CREF/ - Your reference as entered during payment creation from the original outward INTERAC e-Transfer. If not provided, HSBCnet payment instruction number (IRN) from the original outward INTERAC e-Transfer will be populated

/EREF/ - End to end reference as entered during payment creation from the original outward INTERAC e-Transfer. If not provided, ‘NONREF’ will be populated

/IREF/ - Interac reference from the original outward INTERAC e-Transfer

/PREF/ HSBCnet payment instruction number (IRN) from the original outward INTERAC e-Transfer. It will not be included if it is same as /CREF/

INTERAC e-Transfer® Payment – Refund charges
Statement tags New values Description

Record 16

BAI Transaction Code = 398

Amount, Bank Reference (NONREF), Customer Reference (NONREF)

INTERAC e-Transfer payment refund of charges where applicable will report with a transaction code 398 on your BAI statement.

Transaction detail and record line 88 continuation (multiple lines)



/CREF/ Your reference or HSBCnet payment instruction number (IRN) (16x)+

/EREF/End to end reference (35x)+

/IREF/ Interac reference (16x)+

/PREF/HSBCnet payment instruction number (16x)

Following codeword will be reported as part of statement description of a INTERAC e-Transfer refund of charges (where applicable):

/CREF/ - Your reference as entered during payment creation from the original outward INTERAC e-Transfer. If not provided, HSBCnet payment instruction number (IRN) from the original outward INTERAC e-Transfer will be populated

/EREF/ - End to end reference as entered during payment creation from the original outward INTERAC e-Transfer. If not provided, ‘NONREF’ will be populated

/IREF/ - Interac reference from the original outward INTERAC e-Transfer

/PREF/ HSBCnet payment instruction number (IRN) from the original outward INTERAC e-Transfer. It will not be included if it is same as /CREF/

1. /CODEWORD/ - Code words that are standard descriptions seen in the statement narratives.
2. <Data Fields> - Description of fields that represent variable data elements that may be displayed as part of the statement narratives

INTERAC e-Transfer is a registered trademark of Interac Corp. Used under licence.