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Accounts in Turkey: mandatory use of supported characters for domestic payments

Last updated: 19 November 2018

Effective 3 December 2018, domestic Turkey payment instructions created on HSBCnet must only contain SWIFT-supported and/or Turkish characters.

What payments are impacted?

You’ll need to include supported characters in your HSBCnet payment instructions for the following types of payments, where IBAN or BBAN is used:

  • Local and Foreign currency transfers within HSBC Turkey
  • Local currency transfers to third-party banks within Turkey

What do I need to do?  

To prevent possible payment rejections, we recommend that you review your General/Restricted templates, Standing instructions, and Forward-dated payments before 3 December. If any of these instructions include invalid characters, you’ll need to cancel and re-create them using supported characters (shown in the table below).

After 3 December, HSBCnet will reject any impacted payments that include invalid characters.

Domestic Turkey payments: supported characters effective 3 December 2018

26 lowercase characters of the Latin alphabet
26 uppercase (capital) characters of the Latin alphabet
10 numeric characters
6 uppercase Turkish characters
6 lowercase Turkish characters
Solidus (slash)
Question mark
( )
Full stop (period)
You’re also allowed to include spaces in payment instructions on HSBCnet
Characters that will be rejected in HSBCnet:
Any non-Latin characters, other than Turkish (ie. Arabic, Chinese, Kyril, Japanese, etc.)

Note: for payments to beneficiary accounts outside Turkey, you’ll continue to only be allowed to use SWIFT-supported characters. If you attempt to include Turkish characters in cross-border payment instructions, you’ll receive an error message in HSBCnet.

Find out more

If you have any questions, please contact your local HSBCnet Support Centre.

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