Payment Tip: Check for payments that require authorisationIn order to ensure timely processing of payment instructions, it is a good practice to regularly check for any outstanding payment approvals. Using the “Authorisation Summary” service, you can view any payment instructions that are pending approval/authorisation. Authorisers can use the Authorisation Summary service to view payment details, authorise, return for repair or cancel instructions. Once it is determined which items require action, you can perform the same action on all items or manage items individually. To authorise more than one item on the page, either “Select all” or select the individual check boxes of the desire items and choose the appropriate action. Payment records of rejected, cancelled or processed status have a retention period of 35 days. Authorisers must be:
Additional information regarding Payments and the Authorisation Summary service is available in the Payments section of the HSBCnet Help Centre.
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